Your First Visit

455A0446We take a personal approach with every patient and dedicate our personalized care to make your visits comfortable and pleasant.

When scheduling your first visit, we will set enough time so you can meet Dr. Baczara and discuss your dental problems or cosmetic desires.

We welcome all your questions and will take the time to listen and pay attention to your concerns and expectations.

Your first visit will include an initial exam and consultation with Dr. Baczara, a complete set of digital radiographs (X-rays) and close-up photographs of your teeth. We will review all digital images with you and explain our findings. We will also review any additional diagnostic information you provide (recent dental radiographs, photos, or molds of your teeth).

Finally, we will estimate the simplicity or complexity of your dental problems and determine a plan for future visits.

In case of a dental emergency, we will address your immediate discomfort and pain, and reschedule your comprehensive exam at a later date.